Bath MP hosts Q&A for locals at Burdall’s Yard

On Tuesday 13th February residents of the Walcot and Lambridge areas took to Burdall’s Yard to meet Bath MP Wera Hobhouse and discuss issues that matter to their communities in the hopes of providing those issues with a platform in parliament.
On her X (formerly Twitter) account, Wera posted:
”It was a pleasure to chat with Walcot and Lambridge residents last night and hear their thoughts on the issues that matter most to them. Conversations like these are vital for driving my work in Parliament.”
This event demonstrated the venue’s capacity to enrich the local community with opportunities to come together and make their voices heard, and we hope to have the ability to continue providing these types of services.
A big thank you to everybody who turned out and we look forward to meeting more members of the local community at future events to discuss the bigger picture of our beautiful city.